Sierra Nevada Cheese Company: Artisanal Dairy, Sustainably Crafted.

Meet Ben Gregersen & John Dundon of Sierra Nevada Cheese Company in Willows, Ca.

Sierra Nevada's Story

Nestled within the walls of the former Glenn Milk Producers plant in Willows, California, the Sierra Nevada Cheese Company emerges as a beacon of artisanal excellence. Founded in 1997 by Ben Gregersen and John Dundon, this creamery is not just a producer of dairy products; it's a guardian of time-honored traditions, a champion of sustainability, and a purveyor of deliciously wholesome cultured dairy.

The company's commitment to sustainability is evident from the outset. Sierra Nevada places a premium on responsibly sourced milk, partnering with small family dairies that provide natural and organic cows' and goats' milk. It's a nod to the roots of traditional farming, ensuring the quality and purity of their primary ingredient.

In the skilled hands of Sierra Nevada's artisans, this carefully sourced milk undergoes traditional manufacturing processes to create an extensive lineup of culinary delights. From cow and goat's milk cheeses that boast a spectrum of flavors to creamy butter, luscious cream cheese, and velvety yogurt, each product is a testament to the dedication to craft.

Sierra Nevada's commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed, with their products earning them accolades and awards. These delights can be discovered at specialty retailers, natural food stores, and conveniently online at For those seeking an immersive experience, the creamery's retail shop opens its doors, inviting visitors to witness the magic of artisanal cheese-making up close.